



Whether your child is needing physical activity, is being bullied at school, requires discipline or wants to build some self-confidence, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is perfect for both boys and girls.

PHYSICAL FITNESS: Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) works well with high-energy kids, and with kids who need the extra push. So if your child is spending too much time hunched over a mobile device or is running amok and needing more activity, we will work with your child's pace to make it both fun and challenging. BJJ works the entire body and increases endurance. The active child can reap health benefits that can last a lifetime!

SELF-DEFENSE and ANTI-BULLY TECHNIQUES: Your child will learn how to avoid fights, and identify potentially dangerous situations. Highly recommended for both girls and boys, your child will learn how to use defenses safely, learn to escape from multiple positions, and defend from common bully attacks, such as headlocks and chokes.

TEAMWORK AND COMPETITION: BJJ motivates your child to improve as an individual and as part of a team. It is a great way for children to challenge themselves to achieve new levels of performance and to measure their performance against others, while also encouraging their teammates to improve. Children are not required to compete in tournaments.

SELF-CONFIDENCE: Your child will feel increased self-confidence after practicing BJJ for just a short time. A sense of growing pride, teamwork and accomplishment all help boost a child's self-confidence.

DISCIPLINE: If your child is lacking in productive outlets, BJJ is a great way to stay mentally engaged. The instructors and other students help encourage an environment where discpline is important in order to better the individual and the team. BJJ promotes the child's ability to focus.

For the kids class schedule, please visit our page here.

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